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Dynamic Learning for Jobskin Representatives

Dynamic Learning for Jobskin RepresentativesThe world of medicine is one of the most dynamic to work in and technology moves at a dizzying pace, often leaving some people feeling a little bit left behind. Don’t worry; you're not alone.

With the sheer amount of information there is to take in and new information being added all the time, even the professionals can struggle and that’s why dedicated courses, training modules and practical experience opportunities are made available to us.

All of the carefully chosen people who work with Jobskin are given every advantage to help them progress their knowledge and this includes regular training via a variety of methods, including the courses mentioned. The information they receive and lessons they learn will ultimately end up benefiting our patients as the staff improve their skills and keep up to date with the latest developments across a range of relevant subjects.

There are several upcoming courses for Jobskin staff, for which they are excitedly preparing. One of these will focus on the highly-beneficial range of Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO®) garments, a wide selection of which already form an important part of Jobskin’s array of medical devices for dynamic compression.

Every body and the symptoms of every condition vary and so Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO®) garments are made-to-measure and ready-to wear. From the moment the garment is donned, the patient begins to experience an effect comparable to constant therapeutic handling, delivered consistently by dynamic compression. The lycra both supports and enables stretch, maintaining the highest level of sensory feedback while guaranteeing postural stability. Neural integration and motor learning skills benefit too and the result is happy patients, as proven time and time again.

As well as being versatile enough to create an extremely wide array of therapeutic devices, Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO®) garments also show versatility in the number of different medical conditions which they can be used to effectively ease, from spina bifida and cerebral palsy to multiple sclerosis and dystonia. Post-stroke patients and those with spinal injuries have reported positive results and the technology that makes the garments a reality is constantly reengineered to improve effectiveness.

Check out the selection of Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO®) garments currently available from Jobskin and subscribe to our newsletter for updates from our staff after they complete the essential course.